AloFrut Coconut Water Celebration Gift Pack (200ml x 4)

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Types: Fruit Juice

AloFrut Coconut Water from the immature fruit is a superior drink for restoring electrolyte balance during and after sports. You can easily drink before and after playing any sport to stay fresh. The excess amount of potassium present in it also makes it better than any sports drink

AloFrut Tender Coconut Water has no fat. It is a very low-calorie drink that can easily replace a meal. It can also be consumed before a meal to reduce binge eating among weight-watchers. It also helps in losing weight by removing excess water weight stored due to heavy sodium consumption.

AloFrut Tender Coconut Water has no fat. It is a very low-calorie drink that can easily replace a meal. It can also be consumed before a meal to reduce binge eating among weight-watchers. It also helps in losing weight by removing excess water weight stored due to heavy sodium consumption. Its hydrating properties helps keep the body full of required fluids. It is refreshing as well as has a slightly sweet and nutty flavour that you would not want to miss. It is also due to the electrolyte composition that keeps the body re-hydrated & boosts immunity. Tender coconut water acts like a tonic. It has all the necessary nutrients to fulfill a person’s daily needs. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. It can even be used to feed infants and is a great a source of nutrition.

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